Welcome to the simple wxnders support page!
If you feel called to support, and further cultivate, these thoughts/ideas/practices, you are in the right place. simple wxnders is 100% us. No Ads. No Sponsors. No Paywalls.
Your support contributes directly to maintaining this website and keeping these ideas visible in the public domain. Supporting simple wxnders is about growing and spreading the ideas that inspire you and (if you choose) applying the energy (i.e. human currency) to keep this virtual space free and open to everyone in the collective.
There are multiple ways to contribute to (and support) this project. The most meaningful ways to support are ones that money can never buy–your ideas and passions in action.
Below you will find ways to support that I hope honor and encourage you to move (and exchange) differently on this beauty-filled place we call Earth. We call home.
If you are willing and able, I invite you to give to this work in whichever way feels right to you.
- Spread the word
- Start a reading circle or book club to engage these ideas
- Join the tribe|village|community!
Please know that simple wxnders is 100% committed to y(our) right to exist on our own terms. This is why my vision of support is all about spreading ideas, actions, and love.
If you would like to support with currency, you are free to do so. Personally, I prefer decentralized, peer-to-peer forms of exchange (like Monero). That said, I recognize that in today’s world, there’s a large learning curve and lots of barriers that makes it hard to achieve 100% peer-to-peer exchanges in the digital age. Lastly, if you feel lost just hearing terms like “crypto” “decentralized” or “p2p,” trust me, I feel you! Feel free to buy me a cup of ko-fi (coffee) <3
Appreciate all the love + support!

Monero (XMR)
: open source, private and anonymous, decentralized cryptocurrency on an obfuscate (invisible) blockchain.

Bitcoin (BTC)
: first open source, peer-to-peer, decentralized cryptocurrency on a transparent (visible) blockchain.
There is no freedom, where there is no atonomy or privacy.
All the data within my control is fully encrypted to ensure your support is kept as safe and secure as possible. Lastly, please know that under no circumstances are you required to give me your actual government… anything. IDs, addresses, numbers, emails, etc etc. Here, it is your choice what you share.
For more, please read how I’m thinking through privacy