about simple ant

decolonial | Black | radical | simplicity

Wassup everyone, I hope you are well! My name is simple ant and I want to welcome you all to simple wxnders!

I move to create restorative paths towards re/membering and re/learning how to live on, and with, the Earth. I enjoy living simply, eating plants, veggies and greens, walking long distances, learning new things, cultivating an intentional life, communing with my Earth family, and creating habits which improve the quality of my life (and my life’s work). I also enjoy practicing mindful meditation (an ongoing process tbh, but one that I am committed to and feels good every time I allow myself the time to just be me). At my core, I am just a simple ant–a wondering wanderer, a wandering wonderer finding myself in this present moment of deep time.

I hope my work encourages, nourishes and inspires you to let go of all that does not affirm life. May we, together, dream and practice bringing new and alternative ways of being into existence.

simple ant